Explore the possibilities.

Never be afraid to choose a road that nobody chooses.

Challenge new boundaries

Nobody knows what lies beyond.

There is always something new every day.

Pay attention to little details in your life and appreciate them.

Share the knowledge.

It is always fun to talk to someone who knows the subject as well as you do.

Be excited, and remember the excitement.

Never say you're too old to do something.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Jerky Days

It's been 3 months since my last post. Nowadays I would post my food pictures to Facebook instead. Yes, Facebook basically has everything that you need for internet social profiling. You can post pics, videos, notes... everything.

But again, I still like blogs better due to its customizable features.

Not until recently, I have been addicted to eating jerky. It started with Jack Link's Teriyaki beef jerky. It's probably a little weird, but I like to eat something that is a little tough to chew. Not too tough, though.

During Thanksgiving break at New Orleans, I found many different types of jerky. There was one alligator jerky that I had down there, but unfortunately I didn't take a picture of it.

I bought several types of jerky back home: maple duck, elk, ostrich, kangaroo and buffalo. Well, they're not pure duck or pure elk or anything - all of them are mixed with beef. The textures are not so different either. I'd say elk and buffalo have the roughest texture, and they are a little bit hard to chew.

The duck is pretty good - at least it's slightly more tender than pure beef stick.

I'd say Kangaroo jerky was pretty good, but it's not my favorite somehow.

Ostich is not so bad. I'd say it's a little tender.

Elk... a little tough, but I like it.

Buffalo was the toughest jerky among the 5 that I bought.

I love eating jerky - I love Bee Cheng Hiang's pork jerky (is bak kwa a jerky?) the most, but they don't sell that here in US.
Even so, I wish they could put less salt in the jerky. I have low blood pressure, so I'm not so concerned about getting hypertension. It's just the saltiness that bothers me...