Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another Commemoration

Gehh. Too small. You have to click the picture to see the bigger version!

Before the grade can possibly be destroyed by the final exam next Monday, I'm gonna paste a screen shot of my psych grade. Hehehe.


  1. wow... nin... lecturer di US itu ga pernah pelit ngasih nilai yah? full marks!?!?! kayanya di spore ga pernah ada tuh guru ngasih full marks buat essay (except for some teachers :P)

  2. iya, mereka tuh fair banget, asal kita udah jawab pertanyaannya, dapet full marks is not impossible. dan yang lebih gilanya lagi, essay english paper gw pernah dapet 30/30 lol...

    seumur hidup di sg mana pernah dapet setinggi itu? nyampe 20 ajah rasanya udah susah bgt hahaha... dan gw ga ngerasa inggris gw improve ampe segitu banyaknya sampe bisa bikin essay full marks!


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