Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Summarizing the Trip

Had a feast with my brother at New York during Spring break.

Competed as a finalist of ACS Undergraduate Research Award at Anaheim Convention Center. I was really glad my professor was there to support me.

Met a new friend (a fellow competitor) and asked her to go to Disneyland together for a discounted price (thank you ACS!)

Went to Downtown Disney and trapped myself in a giant LEGO block.

Enjoyed Disney fireworks at night, sitting right in front of the castle!

Went to People's Brewery at Purdue, West Lafayette, with my College Bowl team  (Disha, Donny, Eileen, me, Sam, Dave, Bridget) and our advisor. Tasted the lightest beer they had (19 IBU) but I still feel it's too bitter for me :(

I picked 3 Musketeers (a type of US candy) and got into the mini group with 2 people from MSU and 1 freshman from Kentucky. We won the mini product development competition, coming up with Xtreme MASH-ups. Thanks to my giant product & marketing design on the poster, or so many have said.

And now... I'm back with a severe cold and headache. The trip was really exhausting >.<


  1. hehe. gila sibuk banget! congrats bwt competitionnya!!

  2. hahaha iya nih sibuk bgt!! >.<
    capek bgt...


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