Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Netherlands - Rotterdam Blaak Markt

One of my biggest weekend joy right now is my visit to Blaak Markt on Saturday. I have been enjoying open markets even when I was in Wageningen. Blaak Markt is, I believe, the largest traditional open market in the Netherlands.

Cheese, seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, poultry, nuts and spices... you can find them at Blaak Markt, fresh and, in general, cheaper than the supermarket.

 You can also find ready-to-eat foods like kibbeling, Turkish pizza, or gözleme.

Oh, and the flowers in Blaak Markt is unreasonably cheap.

This bouquet of flowers cost me 3.50 euros. Meanwhile, in supermarkets, a small bouquet of chrysanthemum would probably cost you 8 euros. Don't even mention getting them from a flower shop.

But for some reason, I can't find any booths selling beef or pork. Oh well, I'm already happy enough with the abundance of fresh seafood! If you happen to visit Rotterdam and you love seafood, definitely try to eat steamed mussels booth (Mosselhandel).

You have to eat the mussels with your hands, standing. It costs 5 euros for a big bowl of mussels, and when I tried it last time, I counted about 40 mussels. You can either dip the mussels in lemon water, or in a mayonnaise-like sauce with herbs. I personally like dipping them in lemon water better. You can wash your hands in the white bucket provided (they change the soap water regularly), but it would be best if you have tissue paper with you to wipe your hands afterwards.


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