Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter :)

I can't believe I managed to ward off Facebook during lent!! Yippee---

Happy Easter :)

The weather was clear, and my friend was getting baptized.

Went to his church (I don't go there normally because I'm a Catholic). It reminded me so much of MGS that I almost cried during the praise and worship. I really miss those days.

I made braised quail eggs for my friends. I thought there wouldn't be that many people I know at that church, but it turned out that I saw so many that they were not enough for everyone.

Felt so bad about it but I couldn't do anything. It took me 4 hours to get the eggs done. And I don't even really know everyone whom I met just now.

All I knew was that I need to save 3 mini bags for my close friends. Even if I gave the three reserved bags out, they still won't be enough for everyone anyways.

( = 3=) ~♪

I'm sorry  m(。≧Д≦。)m


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